Wave Analysis
Analysis at its Best - Kennys Technical Analysis
What is Kenny's Elliott Wave Analysis all About
Elliott Wave Analysis is my market analysis that focuses
mainly on the price movements of the S&P
500 index from intraday to very long term time frames. My analysis is
strongly Elliott Wave analysis based but it is used
as it should be, in conjunction with a number of other technical
analysis strategies. This includes simple trend
trading systems, chart
patterns analysis, and
various forms of time cycles analysis including Market
Matrix Cycles (which
never cease to amaze me just how well they work), Hurst cycles
and Delta.
All of these work together to
consistently provide very strong trading opportunities that can deliver
consistent profits. The methods work and the results speak for
themselves. Previous technical analysis can be found in
the trading forums
(Link opens in a new window) where I would invite you to register and
join in with other like minded traders of all levels who want to learn
and improve their trading strategy.
Of Kennys S&P 500 Elliott Wave Analysis Charts as Posted in
Real Time
to view larger Elliott Wave Analysis images - Images open in new

500 Technical Analysis
Published 06
April 2012

500 Technical Analysis
Published 10
April 2012 |

500 Technical Analysis
Published 11 April 2012 |

500 Technical Analysis
Published 26
April 2012
Elliott Wave
Contents Index
Why the S&P 500 Index
Although you may not trade the S&P 500 index directly, the
S&P 500 does contain 500 of the largest companies in the USA.
Many of these are also some of the largest companies in the world, so
its movements are very much a reflection of the wider economy and where
the financial markets in general are heading. This makes it an
extremely useful market to follow as it can be used by a wide range of
traders across many markets.
More About
Kennys Elliott Wave Analysis
I have been trading and investing in the stock market in one way or
another since the mid
1980's, I can't believe that it is around 30 years ago - already! I
realized a number of years ago that many other people were making the
same mistakes that I had made. Some of them learned from it as I did,
but most simply kept on making the same trading
mistakes until they had
obviously either had enough, or simply lost all their money and been
forced to give up.
Trading and investing is not always the "easy money" that it is
believed to be though, as I am sure that you will already know before
at this page. Trading can be extremely rewarding when you know what you
are doing but, it can be tough to start with, and I certainly wish I
back in my early days
even half of what I know now. This website is a way for me to share
some of that knowledge.
I have been publishing some of my technical analysis of the stock
markets online in various formats over the last
10 years and I created in 2010 as a place where I could share more of my
knowledge and experience to anyone who wants to learn from it.
more about Elliott Wave Theory |
Of Kennys S&P 500 Matrix Cycles Analysis Charts as Posted in
Real Time
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SP 500 Time Cycles Analysis
Published 09
Nov 2011 |

SP 500 Time Cycles Analysis
Published 26
Nov 2011 |

Kennys SP
Time Cycles Analysis
Published 11 May 2012
As you will see from the charts above, time cycles analysis can be an
extremely powerful technical analysis tool and it forms a very
important part of my market analysis that I do every day. Most analysts
spend all their time studying the price movements and forget that a
stock chart has a horizontal axis as well as a vertical. Thus they are
missing half the information that the chart contains. When a time cycle
signal coincides with a price signal it can give confirmation and this
can yield some spectacular results.
more about my Market Matrix Cycles Analysis
Elliott Wave
Free to
download, the Traders
Day Trading free Elliott
Wave Theory PDF quick start guide. Download it free now
for a quick
overview of the basics.
It is a handy reference guide to the
basics of the wave patterns and wave formation.
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